The New MIRACLE Drug
If I told you...."I just created a new miracle drug, and if you take this new pill I created, here are the list of benefits, and there are no known side effects!"
– Prevent up to 91% of cases of obesity and Type 2 diabetes
– Prevent up to 50% of all cases of heart disease
– Reduce the risk of stroke by 25-30%
– Prevent up to 50% of all stroke deaths
– Reduce congestive heart disease deaths by 63%
– Reduce hospital readmission for heart failure patients by 70%
– Normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure
– Restore or maintain heart and blood vessel health
– Restore and maintain normal cholesterol triglyceride levels
– Reduce the risk of breast cancer by 60%
– Reduce pancreatic cancer in overweight people by 50%
– Reduce lung cancer, even in smokers, by 72%
– Reduce melanoma, that’s right, skin cancer apparently from the sun, by over 72%
– Prevent up to 50% of colon cancer
– Reduce the risk of developing, and improve outcomes of those with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
– Prevent osteoporosis and increase new bone formation
– Increase strength, flexibility and balance
– Decrease gallbladder removal by 20% and decrease gallstones
– Improve bowel function and elimination
– Increase immune system function
– Increase macrophage (anti-tumor) activity and antioxidant levels
– Decrease all cases of mortality by 50% in 61-81 year olds
– Prevent up to 47% of cognitive impairment, prevent up to 62% of Alzheimer’s and 52% of dementia
– Improve physical function in adults
– Decrease chance of ever being in a nursing home
– Decrease the rate of aging
– Enhance learning by 12 times
– Increase dopamine and serotonin levels
– Decrease depression by 20%, including relapses
– Increase growth and healing hormones
– Decrease stress and body breakdown hormones
– Decrease body fat, obesity and weight gain
THIS IS AMAZING RIGHT! Well guess what, this is from 30 minutes of brisk walking! I first heard about this from Dr. Chestnut, a world renowned health and wellness expert. As he read off the list if benefits, I was ready to take this new drug!
What drug or surgery do you know of that could ever compete with these benefits? How much does a walk cost? Way cheaper than a gym membership or the cost of fancy equipment. How much money could walking save our health system? Disease treatment is VERY expensive. How could walking not be MANDATORY in our schools and workplaces? Productivity, mental clarity, mental happiness, and over health of employees would be significantly greater!
So....Dr's Orders.....GO FOR A WALK! Its gorgeous out!